Progress Pic

Progress Pic
I hope to do another one of these with more recent pics soon!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

I didn't mean to scare ya!

Okay so to offset my last depressing post (basically a look into my true emotions) I wanted to make a list of things that highlights my everyday idiosyncrasies. This way, in future posts I will not have to interrupt my stories with parenthetical citations about the meaning of something or descriptions if you will :) And you all can get a good LOL. Enjoy!

1. I make the decisions on where to go based on if they have parking-unless of course its in the actual city, Manhattan, during the times I can't park. And by can't park, I mean I am not willing to pay that day.

2. There are times when I can go two, three and on a REALLY bad week, four days without interacting face-to-face with another human being. I mean like conversing, saying more than thank you, you're welcome--and even then I'm the only one saying those words.

3. I have once gone years without crying (I think 2 or 3), but since I've moved here I have cried about once a week, and not just a whimper, but an Oscar award-winning, gut-wrenching, eye-swelling cry. And let me be honest, I've even been so upset that I have had to leave a public place because I could not control myself.

4. I've done more activities, such as seeing movies/theatre performances, restaurant touring, shopping, and concerts in ATHENS, OHIO alone than I have since moving to Queens, but I guess I was there for 6 years..let me reconsider this

5. I have more frequent flyer miles than EVER before because I'm constantly booking flights to leave and my car service knows me by name when I call.

6. Ive been on 4 or 5 "dates." And with the exception of one person, ALL of them have considered me to be "country" and "nice" yet, they think I am stupid. Booski, its cute how you think I am country just because I could drive at the legal age of 16 and actually had a car. Its also cute how these gutter-living lames think I should be grateful to be living in the dirtiest city in the country. Further, its REALLY cute how these men think I am uppity because I refuse to be 30 years old sharing a 3 bedroom apartment in Brooklyn with 2 couples. Boo, there are almost 3000 miles of the USA to the West of you, get a map and a Broker you idiot! So that's the type of men I am working with here. And one last thing I wish I could scream at them all---> If you're not Jay Z, Johnny Cochran, or any other multi-millionaire, you're not doing it in NY.

7. I just assume that it will take an hour or longer no matter what time of day to get anywhere around the 8 square miles of Queens/BK/Manhattan (I don't even consider going to the Bronx or Staten Island). And 99.9% of the time I am right.

8. I no longer ask for help from ANYBODY. If I can't do it or find it myself, then oh well I guess. I am not about to keep putting myself out there because eventually I will end up in jail for B****-slapping one of these people for their attitude.

9. I can see all the "limited release" new movies, too bad I don't like seeing a movie alone-its creepy and unsafe.

10. In the two years I was in grad school, I probably read 2 entire books. That's all our textbooks, other reading books, articles, COMBINED. In the past three months I have been here, I've read upwards of 15 novels.

11. Because there are NO drive-thrus and I haven't had a double cheeseburger since the summer, I should be thin, but I cook at home and tend to eat my emotions.

12. People always rave about the shopping in NYC whenever I tell them about living here. Too bad they dont think about the fact that I really don't fit any of the clothes so its really irrelevant to me. In fact, its so irrelevant I drive 30 minutes to Long Island-away from the city- to shop at Torrid and Lane Bryant. Ohh yeah, its SOO great...smh.

13. I have interest in volunteering at a women's shelter or dog shelter, but the fact that I don't have hours to waste traveling (I do work in my spare time) and the fact that I could end up in one of them makes me second-guess it every time I consider going.

14. I'm "friends" with a few Sorors locally, but I'm not a club rat, and I am not trying to join their chapter, and they have their own lives, but they are cool so when I am hanging out with them, its like a HUGE event in my life.

15. I refuse to get one of those rolling carts that people (and by people I mean homeless people) use to carry groceries or whatever else because their primary mode of transportation is their two feet, so grocery shopping is a drag when I am carrying 100 bucks worth of groceries from my car, which is nowhere near my dorm.

16. People send me things in the mail like birthday cards, wish you well cards etc, but I don't get them for months because my address is 6 lines long and I am new here so it takes a few weeks for the mail room to recognize that I work AND live here.

17. Everyone with AT&T is pretty much my best friend since I've used about 3500 mobile to mobile minutes this month alone. I catch up with people I haven't heard from in years-literally.

18. I love having people come visit me so I can show them what I am talking about. Y'all know, the fancy NYC stuff and then I quickly bring them back to reality on an hour train ride, 15 minute bus ride and a 10 minute walk back to my dorm room.

19. I am too paranoid and scared to ride the trains with my ipod playing. I am scared someone will either A. steal it or rob me for all I've got, B. I will miss some important announcement, or for that fact my stop C. I will be oblivious to a ticking bomb or something. Basically, fearing for my life is a regular occurrence for me.

20. Overall, all the inconvenient, irrelevant and irritating aspects of living here are really not that bad (yes, you do become a part of your environment if you stay in it long enough). Its the isolation that is the killer.

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